16 mars 2006

De l'ADN dans la Galaxie ?

The double helix nebula.  (The image uses false colors because the eye is not sensitive to infrared light.)  The spots are infrared-luminous stars, mostly red giants and red supergiants.  Many other stars are present in this region, but are too dim to appear even in this sensitive infrared image.
Une vue assez fantastique d'une nébuleuse ayant pris la forme d'une molécule d'ADN ! Une image en pleine résolution est disponible sur le site.

"Astronomers Report Unprecedented Double Helix Nebula Near Center of the Milky Way

Caption: The double helix nebula. (The image uses false colors because the eye is not sensitive to infrared light.) The spots are infrared-luminous stars, mostly red giants and red supergiants. Many other stars are present in this region, but are too dim to appear even in this sensitive infrared image.

Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA"

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1 commentaire:

Kusodomo a dit…

I need that link to the pic please!!!!!!!!!!!!!

email me @ patrick.bateman@gmail.com